Street Campaigning: learn from Greenpeace

Street Campaigning: learn from Greenpeace

Ruth Byrne
Senior National Direct Dialogue Coordinator, Greenpeace Sweden

Jenny Wass
Fundraising Administrator, Greenpeace Sweden

14.00–14.45 | Brantingrummet
In English | på engelska


How do you launch a successful street campaign? How do you communicate and recruit on a busy city street? Learn from the experts at Greenpeace Sweden!

Around the globe, we are standing up for our communities, and we are holding governments and corporations accountable. Whether we are out on the streets or working our campaigns online, we hold the real power when we work together.

Direct dialogue conversation has always been at the core of winning campaigns, raising money and changing hearts and minds across the world. In an increasingly digital world it is now more than ever important to step away from the screen and step into the streets and have meaningful conversations with people about the issues that can no longer be ignored.

This workshop will include the basics of street campaigning and address common concerns with real life solutions that have been proven to work. The workshop will empower attendees to take action by giving them the necessary information, skills and practice to begin having their own meaningful conversations. The workshop will be interactive and encourage attendees to take the learnings and put them into action by creating their own campaign, or using their current organizations message and expanding it into the direct dialogue method of increasing awareness.

”Do you want to learn more about how to approach people in the streets and create engagement for your cause/campaign? Come and join us in this session!”

About the workshop leaders

Ruth Byrne
Ruth has worked in the direct dialogue communications field with Greenpeace for over 4 years. Working on national, regional and local campaigns that have resulted in empowering thousands of people to take action in the form of donating money, signing a petition or recruiting new volunteers. Ruth has trained hundreds of direct dialogue campaigners and volunteers equipping them with the necessary skills to move a movement forward one conversation at a time.

Jenny Wass
Jenny has worked with fundraising for Greenpeace in Sweden for 3 years, working within street campaigning, supporter communication and online fundraising campaigns. Together with an engaged team, she was shaping the early phase of Greenpeace Sweden’s meat & dairy work.

”Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action.”

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